The main disposition is the need for prior registration with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commision (CVM) and the need for a custody agent (a bank or similar institution):
Art. 2. Prior to the beginning of its operations, the non-resident investor must:
I - constitute one or more representatives in the Country;
II - obtain registration before the Securities and Exchange Commision; and
III - constitute one or more custodians authorized by the Real Estate Values Commission.
§ 1 The representative referred to in item I must be a financial institution or an institution authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil and is not confused, necessarily, with the one required by the tributary law.
This is also the hardest part. Currently, Brazilian banks and stock brokers are too severe when they evaluate the profile of foreign investors. The market is focused on high net worth individuals and large investment companies. I`d say that anyone with less than 10 million USD would have little chance of convincing a bank to provide custody services.
Provides about financial applications of non-resident
investors in the financial and capital markets in Brazil and give other
The Central Bank of Brazil, pursuant to art. 9 of the Law No. 4,595 of
December 31 1964, announces that the National Monetary Council, at session
realized on September 25 and 29 of 2014, based on the arts. 4, sections V, VIII
and XXXI, and 57 of the mentioned Law, on the art. 1st of the Law
No. 4,728, of July 14, 1965, on the art. 3 of the Law No. 6,385, of December 7,
1976, and on the art. 65, § 2, of the Law No. 9,069, of June 29, 1995, and considering
the provisions of the Law No. 4,131, of September 3rd, 1962, on the
Decree-Law No. 1,986, of December 28, 1982, on the Decree-Law No. 2,285, of
July 23, 1986, on the art. 52 of the Act of the Transitory Constitutional
Provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of 1988, art. 32 of the Law No.
8,383, of December 30, 1991, on Law No. 10,303, of October 31, 2001, on the Law
No. 11,312, of June 27, 2006, and on the Provisional Measure No. 2,189-49 of
August 23,2001,
Art. 1 The applications in the financial and capital markets in Brazil
and the financial transfers to and from outside, in national or foreign
currency, of investors non-resident in Brazil, shall comply with the provisions
of this Resolution, in addition to the exchange norms and the specific
legislation standards.
§ 1 The applications through Depositary
Receipts mechanism should observe the Regulation Annex II to this
§ 2 The applications to which refers the caput must be executed in the same instruments and operational
modalities available for investors resident in Brazil.
§ 3 are excluded from the provisions of this Resolution applications of non-resident
investors which are holders of national currency deposit accounts in the
country that they perform applications in saving or time deposits in the bank
itself that is depositary of the account.
Art. 2 The Regulations annexed to this Resolution are approved , which
I - the application in financial and capital markets of external
resources entered in the Country by non-resident investors, even from the
accounts in national currency from resident, domiciled or headquartered abroad;
II - foreign capital investments in the Country through the Depositary Receipts mechanism.
Art. 3 The investments made under this Resolution are subject to registration
before the Central Bank of Brazil, in the form of the Regulations Annexes I and
Art. 4 Non-resident investors referred to in the Regulation Annex I to
this Resolution are subjected to registration before the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).
Art. 5. For the purposes of this Resolution the term:
I - non-resident investors, individual or collective, are natural or
legal entities, funds and other collective investment entities resident,
domiciled or headquartered abroad;
II – registration before the Central Bank of Brazil is the launch of
information in the Central Bank Information System (Sisbacen, for the original
name in Portuguese) - Electronic Declaratory Registry (RDE, in Portuguese).
Art. 6 Those responsible for the registration, listed in the Regulations
Annexes to this Resolution, shall make available for the Central Bank of Brazil
the documentation evidential of all the information declared in the RDE, for a
period of 5 (five) years from the date of each update.
Art. 7 For the purposes of the registration mentioned on this
Resolution, are subject to the conducting, simultaneous exchange operations or
international transfers in Reais, without effective delivery of resources and
independently of prior authorization of the Central Bank of Brazil:
I – converting the property of non-residents into investments in the
financial and capital markets mentioned on this Resolution;
II - the non-resident investor application transfer through the Depositary Receipts mechanism, in accordance
with Annex II of this Resolution, to the modality of foreign direct investment in
the Country, dealt on the Resolution No. 3,844 of 23 March 2010;
III - the non-resident investor application transfer through the Depositary Receipts mechanism, in
accordance with Annex II of this Resolution, for non-resident investors application
in the financial and capital markets in the Country, in accordance with Annex I
of this Resolution;
IV - the non-resident investor application transfer on the financial and
capital markets, in accordance with the Regulation Annex I to this Resolution, for
the modality of foreign direct investment in the country, dealt on the Resolution
No. 3,844, of 2010, and vice versa.
Art. 8. Failure to comply with the rules mentioned on this Resolution which
govern the registration of foreign capital in the Country implies on the
prohibition of making financial transfers under the protection of the
registration while the irregularities are not solved, without impairment to the
application of the applicable penalties under the terms of the law or other
Art. 9 The Central Bank of Brazil and the Real Estate Values Commission,
within their respective areas of competence, are authorized to issue supplementary
rules and to take the necessary measures to give enforcement to this
Resolution, including what concerns the imposition of penalties.
Art. 10. This Resolution shall enter into force on March, 30 of 2015.
Art. 11 Are
hereby repealed, as from March 30, 2015, the Resolutions. No. 1,289, of March
20, 1987, 1,927, of May 18, 1992, 2,247 and 2,248, both of February, 8, 1996, 2,628,
of August 6, 1999, 2,689 of January 26, 2000, 2,742, June 28, 2000, 2,786, of
October 18, 2000, 3,245, of November 25, 2004, 3,349, of February, 23, 2006,
3,760 of July 29, 2009, and 3,845, of March 23, 2010.
Antonio Tombini
President of the
Central Bank of Brazil
Art. 1 The applications on the financial and capital markets of external
resources entered in the Country by non-resident investors, even from the
accounts in national currency of residents, domiciled or headquartered abroad,
must comply with this Regulation.
Art. 2. Prior to the beginning of its operations, the non-resident
investor must:
I - constitute one or more representatives in the Country;
II - obtain registration before the Securities and Exchange Commision; and
III - constitute one or more custodians authorized by the Real Estate
Values Commission.
§ 1 The representative referred to in item I must be a financial
institution or an institution authorized to operate by the Central Bank of
Brazil and is not confused, necessarily, with the one required by the tributary
§ 2. In situations in which, at the entry into force of this Resolution,
the representative referred to in item I does not fit in the provisions of §1,
the non-resident investor will have 180 (one hundred and eighty) days to
promote the regularization of their representation.
§ 3. The Real Estate Values Commission shall regulate the non-resident investor's
registry referred to in the item II.
Art. 3. The act of constituting the representative referred to in the
item I of Art. 2 of this Regulation shall expressly provide the following
powers and obligations to the exercise of the representation function:
I - make and keep updated the registries mentioned in the arts. 3 and 4
of this Resolution;
II - provide the Central Bank of Brazil and the Real Estate Values Commission
with the requested information and maintain for a period of 5 (five) years, the
individualized control, by represented, of the inputs and remittances undertaken
under this Regulation and the proofs of compliance with contractual obligations
and of fund transfers;
III - immediately report to the Central Bank of Brazil and the Real
Estate Values Commission, considering their respective powers, the termination
of the representation contract as well as the occurrence of any irregularity of
which he or she becomes aware; and
IV - receive, on behalf of the non-resident investor, subpoenas and notifications
concerning judicial or administrative proceedings based on laws regarding
financial and capital markets, related to the operations which are object of
the representation contract signed with the non-resident investor.
Single paragraph. In case of noncompliance with the obligations mentioned
in this Article, the representative is subject to the impediment to the
exercise his or her functions of representation, without impairment to the
application of any applicable penalties, and the non-resident investor must
appoint a new representative.
Art. 4 The financial assets and real estate values traded, as well as
the other types of financial transactions carried out by a non-resident
investor, resulting from the applications referred to in this Regulation must,
in accordance with their nature:
I - be registered, kept in a book or in custody or maintained in a deposit
account in an institution or entity authorized to provide such services by the
Central Bank of Brazil or by the Real Estate Values Commission, according to
their respective competences; or
II - be duly recorded in systems of chambers and of providers of
clearinghouse, settlement or registration services duly authorized by the Bank Central
of Brazil or by the Real Estate Values Commission.
Art. 5 It is prohibited the use of the financial resources entered in
the Country under the terms of this Regulation on transactions with real estate
values for purchase or sale out off an organized market, except in the cases mentioned
on the regulation of the Real Estate Values Commission.
Art. 6 The institutions mentioned on the items I and II of the art. 4 of
this Regulation must, on request, make available to the Central Bank of Brazil
and to the Real Estate Values Commission, individualized by the final principal,
the registers related to the applications referred to in this Regulation.
Art. 7 Transfers of investments or commercial papers and real estate
values owned by a non-resident investor are prohibited if they are not in
accordance with the forms provided on the regulation of the Central Bank of
Brazil or of the Real Estate Values Commission.
Art. 8 Foreign investments registered before the Central Bank of Brazil resulting
from applications on investment funds must be conformed to the provisions of
this Regulation, including Mutual Fund of Investment in Emerging Companies (FMIEE,
in Portuguese) and Real Estate Investment Fund (FII, in Portuguese).
Single paragraph. The conformation of the applications of non-resident
investors in FMIEE and IFI must occur within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days of
the entry into force of this Resolution.
Art. 1 Must comply with the provisions of this Regulation, non-resident investments
through the Depositary Receipts
Art. 2 For the purposes of this Regulation, are applied the following
I - Depositary Receipts:
certificates issued abroad by a depositary institution, representative of the
assets listed below, deposited in specific custody in the Country:
a) real estate values issued by Brazilian public companies;
b) real estate values eligible to compose the Reference Equity (PR in
Portuguese) issued by financial institutions and other public institutions
authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil;
II – custodian institution: the institution, in the Country, authorized
by the Real Estate Values Commission to provide custody services;
III – depositary institution, depositary bank or issuing bank: the
institution that, abroad, and based on the assets listed in the sub items
"a" and "b" of the item I, issues the corresponding Depositary Receipts;
IV - sponsoring company: the institution, in the Country, which issues the
assets listed in the sub items "a" and "b" of item I object
of the Depositary Receipts program
and signatory of a specific contract with a depositary institution.
Art. 3 The financial resources which entered the Country for the
acquisition of the assets listed in the sub items "a" and
"b" of the item I of the Art. 2 of this Regulation in order to
integrate Depositary Receipts
programs, sponsored or unsponsored, are subject to the application of this Regulation.
Art. 4 Are qualified for the purpose of registration in the Depositary Receipts programs the resources
entered the Country for the purchase, in the primary market and in secondary
one, of the assets listed in the sub items "a" and "b" of the
item I of the Art. 2 of this Regulation, provided that they are negotiated in
organized markets.
Art. 5 It competes to the Real Estate Values Commission to approve the Depositary Receipts programs.
Single paragraph. The Real Estate Values Commission shall regulate the
process of approval of the Depositary
Receipts programs referred to in the caput.
Art. 6 The financial institutions headquartered in the Country may apply
for permission before the Central Bank of Brazil in order to participate in Depositary Receipts programs, prior to the
approval of the Real Estate Values Commission.
Single paragraph. The launch of Depositary
Receipts backed by shares with voting rights or by debt instruments
eligible to compose the PR, convertible into shares with voting rights, of
financial institutions based in the Country is limited to the percentage of foreign
participation allowed under the applicable law.
Art. 7. The registry referred to in art. 3 of this Resolution must be
made by the custodian institution on behalf of the depository institution.
Single paragraph. The registry of the external resources entered in the
Country based on art. 3 of this Regulation must be made in the form to be set
by the Central Bank of Brazil, being linked to the issuing company, to the quantity
and to the real estate value or debt instrument eligible to compose the PR
object of the Depositary Receipts
Art. 8. The custodian institution can accept deposit on the custody of
the Program of the assets listed in the sub items "a" and
"b" of the item I of the Art. 2 of this Regulation, which are in circulation
and are owned by investors resident, domiciled or headquartered in the Country,
for the purpose of backing the issue of Depositary
Receipts abroad.
Art. 9 The issuing companies as well as individuals or legal entities, resident,
domiciled or headquartered in the Country, which deposit real estate values in
custody to back the issuance of Depositary
Receipts may keep the product of their disposal abroad.
§ 1. If there is no entry in the Country of the value obtained with the disposal
mentioned in the caput, the custodian
institution must update the investment registry before the Central Bank of Brazil.
§ 2 The power conferred in the caput
does not apply to Depositary Receipts
programs sponsored by financial institutions and other institutions authorized
to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil.
Art. 10. It is the custodian institution responsibility, before the Bank
Brazil Central, the processing and control of the disposals mentioned in the art.
9 of this Regulation.
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