See also:
Today I would like to demystify some of the (overly bureaucratic) Brazilian rules on import and export licenses. I hope it helps the readers of my blog.
Secretly, I'm hoping that this detailed explanation will discourage my reader to try obtaining import licenses by themselves. The golden rule in Brazil is: never do anything by yourself. Brazil is not for beginners.
In Brazil, all foreign trade operations require a certificate from the Brazilian Revenue Service (BRS) called "RADAR" (acronym in Portuguese for "Customs Stakeholders Performance Tracking System"). It is also necessary to be registered at the Integrated
Foreign Trade System (Siscomex), which is responsible for the storage
and control of all the Brazilian and foreign importers and exporters information regarding the transactions carried out by them.
Thus, in order to assist those
who have interest in importing or exporting goods, we prepared this little
manual guidance to help you get the RADAR / SISCOMEX license.
Important: If you are a foreign company who wishes to export to Brazil, you don't need a RADAR. Your buyer will need one.
On the other hand, if you want to set up a subsidiary in Brazil, in order to resell your own merchandise, then you will need an Import License.
Important: If you are a foreign company who wishes to export to Brazil, you don't need a RADAR. Your buyer will need one.
On the other hand, if you want to set up a subsidiary in Brazil, in order to resell your own merchandise, then you will need an Import License.
First step - obtaining digital certificate
Firstly, the taxpayer must obtain
a digital certificate to access the website of the Brazilian Revenue
Service, since all documents must be sent online through a software (called "PGS"), an
application that allows the taxpayer to upload all the necessary documents.
You can obtain the digital
certificate with any of the certification companies at this link.
After that, you must access this link
and click on “acessar o portal e-CAC” (access the portal e-CAC) and select the
Mailbox Portal CAC as your Electronic Tax Domicile (DTE), clicking on "Termo
de Opção pelo Domicílio Tributário Eletrônico" (Term Option for Household
Electronic Tax).
When the Statement Option appears
on the screen, click on "Enviar Opção" (Send Option). After this, the
taxpayer will still be given the option to register up to 3 phone numbers to
receive messages that inform the delivery of Revenue communications regarding
the procedure.
Second step-Survey of documents to be submitted
The following documents are
required for enabling SISCOMEX / RADAR:
- Enabling Application: Available at this
Among the general data to be reported, you should have the following
The capital effectively paid by the company
(in case of companies);
If the application is filed by an attorney, the
attorney’s complete data.
Ps.: The attorney cannot be enabled as the one responsible
in the computerized systems (Siscomex or other).
The complete data of the customs forwarder in the
event of using one to make the customs clearance.
- Certified copy of identification document
of the legal representative of the corporate and of the signatory of the
application, if they are different people;
- Power of attorney, if applicable;
- Articles of Association / Last amendment of
the Articles of Association;
- Simplified Certificate of Commercial Registry
(issued for a maximum of 90 days);
- Headquarters’ proof of "enabled/active"
registration in Sintegra or written justification signed by the company if such
proof is not mandatory;
- Initial Registration Form and Managers
and Legal Representatives update: Can be obtained through the link.
In section V - Specification of Systems and Profiles, fill the field systems
with "Siscomex" and in "Profiles" the word "Responsible".
The document shall be signed and notarized;
- Declaration
signed by the applicant that all documents presented confer with the original.
These documents
should be scanned, front and back, and saved to a file extension.
"Pdf". It is important to highlight that the process does not accept
e-files larger than 14MB.
The procedure
for registration of attorney and delivery of PoA basically follows the same
rite, but the taxpayer must select at the portal e-CAC the option " procuração
eletrônica ", followed by " cadastrar procuração" and upload the
It is noteworthy
that in the event of a change in the qualification already obtained, you must
also fill out the Request for Qualification, stating the nature of the change,
following the same procedure mentioned above.
Third step - Download of the Delivery
Request Generator Program (PGS) and submission of documents
As mentioned, since
the administrative procedure for SISCOMEX / RADAR license is completely digital, the documents mentioned above must be sent through the Delivery Request
Generator Program (PGS).
To download the
PGS just click at this link,
and select the proper computer configuration.
After this, the
taxpayer must access the e-CAC portal and click on "Processo Digital" (Digital Process) and follow the next screen on "Solicitação de Juntada de Documentos" (Documents Upload Request).
Done! Documents can now be sent and processed by the BRS.
As it turns out,
the procedure seems complicated, but with this little manual I hope it will be easier for
taxpayers to obtain their RADAR / SISCOMEX license. It is important to remember
that if the taxpayer does not want to have such work, there are many accounting
and law firms specialized in foreign trade that already have knowledge of such
process and that could help you.
See also:
Great tips thanks for sharing.. Contact your country's taxation department to ask about rules and regulations..finding wholesale importing items
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ResponderExcluirwould it be the same steps for a non-profit organization from Maua, SP, Brazil?
It would be very very similar.
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